Friday 24 July 2015

How to lose weight by eating chocolate!

Oh my, if only this were true. I found an article while surfing the net.. I thought my eyes had deceived me. Lose weight by eating chocolate on GQ. I can personally say that at some point I have eating a lot of chocolate since it was always around.... no weight loss by high consumption. Nope none at all. Healthy diets folk!

Back to blogging

Its no big secret that I have been on hiatus from chocolate. I have been busy since I stopped making it - thesis writing, moving to a new city, more thesis writing, figures and data analysis. I also hurt my back while moving boxes in a way that prevented me from being able to sit or stand for long periods of time and now I have chronic back pain. Now try sitting for extended periods of time to write :( Note to all you out there: DO NOT LIFE HEAVY BOXES ABOVE YOUR HEAD. I am currently on a leave of absence from the thesis and have decided I have to put my time recovering to good use. Since I cannot sit for longer than 15 minutes at a time without hurting my back these will be short and sweet posts. I also cant stand for too long otherwise its the same thing - so no chocolate making happens either.

I apologize to anyone who got all excited thinking I was back in chocolate making. I know my turtles were like addictive and the health-nut bark was a guilty treat. The good thing is I will be teaching the art of making chocolates and confection. Step-by-step instructions that will have your mouth watering in no time. DISCLAIMER: I am in no way responsible for the 5 lbs you might gain by making anything on this blog.